Course Application Help Guide
Please follow the process below mentioned, for course application.
1. Register yourself on [ ]

2. Select your Nationality and fill in Email id
3. Verify your email address

4. Enter your mobile number and verify with OTP
5. Set your password

6. You will receive confirmation Pop-up after you submit the form
7. Important:- Submit your User Id with the Admission Team, so that
they can enable the course application to your user.
8. Fill in your details and enter captcha at the end
9. After successfully logged in to your account you can see the course application link at the
10. After clicking on
apply you will see your application information and below that, you can find
the link to apply for ABC (if you have already applied, just fill in ABC number) if not then fill the
form and then proceed with course application.

11. As this is Post Graduate level course with Hybrid Learning mode below fields should be marked
as shown in screenshot attached,

12. Fill in your Guardian information and click on Save and Next

13. At next stage check with your educational information and upload the necessary documents.
14. After successfully completing this step, your application will be sent to Department of
Technology for approval and you will be notify accordingly.
15. For any other help/ queries please feel free to contact on (+91-7058142401)
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