Chi-square test

Chi-square test


A Chi-square test is a data analysis process based on random samples of categorical variables. It is mainly used to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis mainly predicts the relation between two independent categorical variables.

Why to use

To find out the difference between observed values and expected values. The cause of this difference is due to the relation between them or by chance.

When to use

  • When you want to analyze the categorical data of the random sample.
  • To accept or reject the null hypothesis by comparing p value with the alpha value.

When not to use

When both variables are categorical like Blood Group, location, and Customer Satisfaction.


You need to select the input column having only two categories to compute Chi Square test results.


Set of independent variables


Relation between the two variables

Statistical Method Used

Chi Square Statistics


  • It does not give the strength of the relationship and its significance.
  • This test is sensitive to sample size.

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