Combined Data Cleansing

Combined Data Cleansing

Combined Data Cleansing


  • It is a data preprocessing task to fix data quality issues and enhance data quality.
  • You can perform several operations on any categorical or numerical data.

Why to use

Data Preprocessing to

  • Remove
  • Whitespaces
  • Line Breaks
  • Null Rows and Columns
  • Numbers from Strings
  • Alphabets from Numbers
  • Punctuations and Special Characters
  • Modify casing in case of Textual Data 

When to use

When you want to remove any deformity or anomaly in the data.

When not to use

When the data is clean and already preprocessed




Unclean data


Cleansed Data

Statistical Methods used




The table below describes the various data cleansing methods and their corresponding sub-methods.




Remove Unwanted Characters

Remove leading and trailing whitespaces

Remove any extra whitespace(s) before or after a string, word, or number.

Remove tabs, line breaks, and duplicate whitespaces

Remove any extra tabs, line breaks, or repeated whitespaces in a string.

Remove all whitespaces

Remove leading, trailing, in-between or duplicate whitespaces.

Remove letters

Remove alphabet(s) from a string or a number

Remove numbers

Remove a number(s) from strings or words

Remove punctuations

Remove all punctuation marks from strings, words, or numbers

Modify Case

Upper Case

Convert all letters or words in a string to upper case.

Lower Case

Convert all letters or words in a string to lower case.

Title Case

Capitalize each word in a phrase or a sentence.

Replace Null Data

Replace with blanks (string columns)

Replace any null string value in a cell with a blank space. It renders an empty cell.

Replace with zero (numeric columns)

Replace any null value in a numerical column with zero (0).

Remove Null Data

Remove Null Rows

Remove all rows with a null value in any column

Only remove rows that have a null value in every column

Remove Null Columns

Remove all columns with a null value in any row

Only remove columns that have a null value in every row

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