Configuration of Widgets

Configuration of Widgets

The table given below describes the various types of configurations to be done while plotting the widgets.




X-axis, or the horizontal axis, is used to plot the independent variable. It can either be a numerical or categorical variable. The coordinates on the X-axis are called labels and the variable that is represented on the X-axis is called the title.


Y-axis, or the vertical axis, is used to plot the dependent variable. It can either be a numerical or a categorical variable. The coordinates on the Y-axis are called labels and the variable that is represented on the Y-axis is called the title.
[The plot (area on the chart) is usually divided into gridlines. These grid lines form a mesh of crisscross horizontal and vertical dotted lines. These lines make it easy to plot the graph or chart and helps us understand them better.]

Column Y-axis

It is used in the Combination Chart to plot the numerical variable plotted as the column on the Y-axis.

Line Y-axis

It is used in the Combination Chart to plot the numerical variable plotted as the line on the Y-axis.


It is used in the Google Map Chart to determine the location to plot the value.


It is used in the Google Map Chart to determine the location to plot the value.


A legend (in a chart or graph) shows the kind of data represented by the chart. Legends give the explanation of the markings, symbols, colors, and characters on a chart or graph.

Column Legend

It is used in the Combination Chart as a legend for the variable plotted as the column along the Y-axis.

Line Legend

It is used in the Combination Chart as a legend for the variable plotted as the column along the Y-axis.


It is used to provide a numerical value to any non-numerical variable plotted on the widget. It is used in widgets like Pie chart, Treemap, Word Cloud, to quantify the categorical variables. The size of the sections or portions of these widgets changes according to the numerical variable selected as the value.


It is used to plot widgets like Treemap, Sunburst, Word Cloud, and so on where the varying quantity is a categorical variable. It is always accompanied by the value of that categorical variable in terms of any numerical variable.


It is used in Sankey Diagram to specify the change and flow of a numerical variable from one set of values to another.


They are used in Bubble Plots or Scatter Plots to specify the values corresponding to each bubble or the dots.


They are used in Tables and Sparkline Widgets to select the columns from the input dataset. These columns are either arranged as they are in the output table widgets, or are plotted as supporting data for the Sparkline.


They are used in Cross Table to plot the values of a variable as independent rows in the table.


It is used in the Solid Gauge chart and Bullet chart to specify the lower limit of the numerical variable.


It is used in the Solid Gauge chart and Bullet chart to specify the upper limit of the numerical variable.


It is used in the Solid Gauge chart and Bullet chart to specify the desired limit where the numerical variable should reach.


It is used to select the geographical variable like country, state, or region to draw the maps.


It is used to specify the categorical variable in the Funnel chart and Sparkline chart which is plotted with respect to other numerical variables.


It is used in the Filter Widget to filter out one dimension or one measure to show its minimum and maximum values, and its range corresponding to a variable.


Dimensions represent the categorical variables in the given dataset.


Measures represent the continuous numerical variables in the given dataset.

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