Decision Tree Regression

Decision Tree Regression

Decision Tree Regression


Decision Tree Regressor builds a regression model in the form of a tree structure where each leaf node represented a class or a decision.

Why to use

When you want to predict a value depending on single or multiple independent variables. 

When to use

  • High accuracy is required
  • Reduced overfitting is required
  • Large Datasets

When not to use

  • On Small Datasets
  • When interpretability not needed
  • For Time-Series Forecasting


If the data contains any missing values, use Missing Value Imputation before proceeding with Decision Tree Regression. 


Any continuous large dataset


  • Regression Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Residual vs Input
  • Y vs Standardized Residuals
  • Residuals Probability Chart

Statistical Method Used

  • Splitting Criteria
  • Variance Reduction
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Mean Absolute Error
  • Maximum Depth and Minimum Samples Per leaf
  • Information Gain and Gini Impurity
  • Standard Error
  • Interpolation and Prediction
  • Bootstrap Sampling


  • Overfitting of the data
  • High Variance
  • Instability
  • Not good for small datasets
  • Time and series limitations

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