Key Concepts

Key Concepts


In any operating system or on a server, the execution of the multiple instructions in a sequence at the same time is called Concurrency. In concurrency, there are several process threads running in parallel.
It helps in

  • memory and storage optimization
  • allocating and executing schedules to maximize the throughput


Users are individuals with access to the Rubiscape platform and who carry out tasks allotted by the administrator. These tasks are either done individually or in groups.
As an administrator, you can

  • Add a user to a group and assign roles to be carried out in a default workspace
  • Monitor the user activity
  • Assist the user in password reset and editing information
  • Delete the user if required

A user can be a part of multiple tenants.


  • How to decide final rights if users belong to many groups with different access rights?
  • If permission is
    • Denied in any one of the groups, then no access is granted.
    • Granted in more than one group, the highest access is given.
  • A Superuser is a User with access to
    • Admin Module
    • Rubiscape Platform
  • A Super User has access to all entities irrespective of the access control in the user or group containing that user.


Group consists of several users who perform dedicated tasks while working on a project. Any task allocated to a group is applicable to all its users.
Also, a group can contain users and other groups. It means, it is possible and valid to create groups within a group. You can also create a new group using another group or groups.


As an administrator, you can

  • Create groups to carry out specialized tasks
  • Update the group by ascertaining a group name and description
  • Add individual users to the group, and
  • Delete a group, if required


Role is the function assumed and responsibility carried by a user. Initially, when users are assigned to a group, they are identified in a new role. A user can perform multiple roles in a project.
Examples: Data Scientist, Data Visualizer, Data Engineer, New Customer, and so on.


As an administrator, you can

  • Assign roles to users
  • Remove a user's assigned roles
  • Delete a role, if required
  • A role is user-specific only and not group-specific.


Workspace is a parent structure where users or groups manage multiple datasets and projects. Workspaces are mapped to the login. Users or groups may have only limited access to workspaces as defined by the administrator.
Users have access to all entities in the default workspace assigned to them, unless the access is specifically restricted for any entity.
A workspace necessarily belongs to a single tenant. In other words, one workspace cannot be a part of multiple tenants.


As an administrator, you can

  • Create a workspace for specialized projects and tasks
  • Change (edit and update) a workspace name and description
  • Grant access to users and groups to view, modify and delete a workspace
  • Deny access to a workspace, and
  • Delete a workspace, if required


Project is a series of tasks performed by users and groups in a specific order to reach a definite predefined outcome. The number of resources required to run a project varies according to its scope and complexity.


As an administrator, you can

  • Create a new project
  • Import or export an existing project
  • Grant access to users and groups to modify, view, and delete a project
  • Deny access to a project, and
  • Delete a project, if required


A dataset is a compilation (collection) of data, usually in tabular form. However, non-tabular datasets can also be compiled (Example: XML file, where data appears in the form of marked-up strings of characters.)
In rubiscape, the datasets can be created or selected from various types like Social Media, RDBMS, File, Hadoop, API, and Email data.


As an administrator, you can

  • Create a dataset by selecting from the various options in dataset types,
  • Give a name and description to the dataset
  • Upload dataset directly or from S3 bucket


Workbook is a canvas to perform experiments on your data using a variety of algorithms and functionalities. In Rubiscape, all trials and testing on the data are done in workbooks to create enriched datasets. These trained and enriched datasets are then used in workflows.
Tasks Performed in a Workbook: Data Preprocessing, Processing, Cleaning, Model Building and Publishing, and most ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) tasks.


Workflow is a canvas where a user runs the final algorithm. All tested flows with enriched data are used in workflows and deployed for production.
An administrator monitors the workflow.


As an administrator, you can

  • View and trace the workflow log
  • Edit, abort, or rerun a workflow
  • Rerun a workflow from a failed task.


Rubiscape provides a functionality to schedule your workflows to run them at a pre-determined time.


As an administrator, you can

  • Create a schedule by assigning projects and workflows
  • Assign name and description to a schedule
  • Decide the schedule frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly) to run data
  • Decide the schedule start date, end date, and run time, and
  • Delete the schedule, if required.


Subscription is an authorized arrangement that grants access and usage rights to a user, group, or organization to a service or product for an allotted period.
Subscription to the Rubiscape platform includes the

  • Types of subscriptions
  • Permissible number of users who can use the platform
  • Period for which the subscription is valid


Dashboard is a graphical user interface (GUI) to view all key performance indicators (KPIs) at-a-glance. It is a progress report generated to gauge the performance of a process or a business. Various types of data are represented using multiple charts as reports. These reports are then collated using a common criterion as a dashboard.
Dashboards are interactive and display the insights and outcomes of a successfully run model.


Tenant is a non-human entity to govern users, groups, roles, workspaces, projects, and datasets. Tenant is created and governed by the SuperAdmin. Each Tenant has at least one Admin who governs its entities.


SuperAdmin is an entity that is created by the Developer Team while deploying the Rubiscape Admin Module on the client site using a deployment script. A SuperAdmin creates and governs the working of Tenants.


  • Each SuperAdmin has at least one default Tenant.
  • Each SuperAdmin has access to all tenants and all entities within the Admin Module (including Tenant Management).


An Admin is an entity created to perform various administrative tasks. In Rubiscape, an Admin can be a SuperAdmin or a User who has a responsibility of a Root Admin or Tenant Admin.


  • Each Tenant has at least one Admin associated with it.
  • Some Admins created inside tenants have access
  • only to the Admin Module
  • to both Admin Module and Rubiscape platform


Licensing is the permission granted by a licenser to a licensee for using the intellectual property rights and technology, under pre-defined conditions.


  • The SuperAdmin, on login, navigates to Admin module and creates a tenant, if required. Along with this tenant creation, other root entities such as root admin, role, group, and workspace are also created.
  • When you try signing into the application using the Root Admin credentials, you get a 'License is not Activated' message.
  • On this message, click Go To Administrator. You are directed to the Licensing Page.
  • On this page, enter the License Key and details that you receive on email after buying the license, and click Add.
  • Now you have access to the Admin Module corresponding to the License Usage details.
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