Missing Time Imputation

Missing Time Imputation

Missing Time Imputation is located under
Forecasting > Data Preparation > Missing Time Imputation
Use the drag-and-drop method to use the algorithm in the canvas. Click the algorithm to view and select different properties for analysis.

Imputing missing values is an important step when dealing with data. It is also one of the steps involved in Data Analysis. In time-series analysis, missing dates play a significant role in the overall analysis. If the missing dates are untouched, the performance of many time-series machine-learning models will be affected.

Properties of Missing Time Imputation

The available properties of Missing Time Imputation are shown in the figure given below.

The table given below describes different fields present on the properties of missing time imputation.




It helps to execute the node.

It helps to explore the successful node.

It displays the following options in the list view.

  • Run from node,
  • Run till node,
  • Explore,
  • Delete

Task Name

It is the name of the task selected on the workbook canvas.

You can click the text field to edit or modify the task name as required.

Time Variables

It allows you to select time variables to perform missing time imputation.

  • Multiple data fields can be selected.
  • Only the interval data fields for the selected reader are visible.


Frequency options define the frequency at which time series data is measured.
Choosing the appropriate frequency option depends on the nature of the data and the analysis requirements.

Here are some commonly used frequency options:

  • Business Days (B)
  • Business Month End (BM)
  • Business Month Start (BMS)
  • Business Quarter End (BQ)
  • Business Quarter Start (BQS)
  • Business Year End (BA)
  • Business Year Start (BAS)
  • Custom Business Month End (CBM)
  • Custom Business Month Start (CBMS)
  • Day (D)
  • Month (M)
  • Month Start (MS)
  • Quarter (Q)
  • Quarter Start (QS)
  • Semi-Month End (SM)
  • Semi-Month Start (SMS)
  • Week (W)
  • Year (Y)
  • Year Start (YS)

Select Imputation Method

It allows you to select the imputation method from the drop-list to apply for the selected data fields.

The available imputation methods are,

  • Forwardfill
  • Backwardfill
  • Remove
  • Constant

Exclude Public Holiday

It excludes the public holidays while imputing the missing values.

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