Percentage Calculations

Percentage Calculations

For widgets like pie charts and donut charts, it is sometimes required to display the values as a percentage of the share of each section in the total share. For this, Rubiscape provides a Percentage functionality alongside the Aggregation methods to display the values on the tooltip as percentages.

Let's plot a pie chart of the Sales by Category as an example.

If you hover over any section, its actual Sales value is displayed. For example, the Technology Sales is 836154.03. This is the Technology share out of the total Sales of TechnologyFurniture, and Office Supplies.

Now, we want to express each share as a percentage to understand the contribution of each Category to the total Sales.

In configuration pane, hover over Sales, click the gear icon (), select the Percentage checkbox, and click Plot.

You see that the Sales values are now expressed as a percentage. For example, the Technology sales contribute to 36.40% of the total sales.

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