Text Vectorization

Text Vectorization

The standard way of text vectorization is to define a fixed-length vector of unique words (features) from a predefined dictionary. Each entry in the vector corresponds to a unique word from the dictionary. The size of the vector is then equal to the size of the dictionary.

Each word in a text is represented as an array of the length of the total number of unique words from the dictionary. Thus, each word in the text is mapped to a real number in the corresponding feature vector.

For example, consider a predefined dictionary that contains unique words like {cat, loves, to, play, with, ball}. If the text “A cat loves to play with a ball” is vectorized, the vector will be as follows: (0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1).

In Rubiscape, you can use advanced techniques to convert multiple texts to numeric feature vectors like Count Vectorization, TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency), and techniques like removing stop words and using N-gram.

In text vectorization, you cannot find the meaning of a text or the context of words in a text.

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