
TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency.
TF-IDF transforms a collection of texts into a matrix of TF-IDF features. It measures the TF-IDF score of a feature, based on the importance and frequency of the feature in text and dictionary.

Why to use

For TF-IDF vectorization of multiple texts in a dictionary.

When to use

  • To extract keywords
  • To retrieve information that represents the importance of each feature in a dictionary.

When not to use

On numerical data.


  • The input variable should be of text type.
  • The input variable should be processed text. 


Any dataset that contains text data.


  • A document term frequency matrix that displays the TF-IDF score of each feature in the dictionary.
  • Each column of the matrix represents a feature from the dictionary

Statistical Methods used

  • N-gram
  • Stop words
  • Term Frequency (TF)
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)


Cannot be used on data other than text data.

The terms that are useful in understanding TF-IDF are given below.
Term frequency – It represents the number of times a word (term) appears in a dictionary per the number of terms in the dictionary.
Document frequency – It represents the number of times a word appears in a dictionary.
Inverse document frequency – It represents the logarithm of the result of the number texts in a dictionary per the number of texts which contain a word. Thus, if the word is very common and appears in many texts, the value of IDF will approach zero, else it will approach one.
Thus, the TF-IDF score is computed as TF multiplied by IDF. The higher the TF-IDF score of a feature in the dictionary, the more relevant is the word from a text in the dictionary.
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