

Rubiscape provides the functionality to create a dataset using Twitter data. On this data, you can perform Twitter Sentiment Analysis using the text processing algorithms provided in Text Analytics. The sentiment analysis helps to determine the tone (NeutralPositiveNegative) of the tweet and thereby gives beneficial insights about market trends and competitors' policies. This, in turn, helps the decision-makers to create marketing strategies. To perform Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Rubiscape uses Tweepy, a Python library designed to access the Twitter API. A request to the Twitter API returns the Tweet fields (Features), which can then be analysed using Text Analytics.

To create a Twitter dataset, follow the steps given below.

  1. On the home page, click Create icon ()The Product Selection page is displayed.
  2. Hover over the
    Data Connect tile, and click Create Dataset


    The Dataset Selection page is displayed.
  3. From the Social Media option, select Twitter.

    Create Twitter Dataset page is displayed.
  4. Enter the Name of the dataset.
  5. Enter the Description for the dataset.

  6. Enter the Hashtag # for which you want to pull the data. Multiple hashtags can be used, separated by a comma.

  7. Enter the API Key to access the data from twitter platform.

  8. Enter the API Secret of the twitter account.

  9. Enter the Access Token of the twitter account.

  10. Enter the Access Secret of the twitter account.

  11. Click on Verify.

    The table given below explains the Features available for the Twitter dataset.

    Features of the Twitter dataset collected by Rubiscape


    The unique identifier for the tweet.


    The unique identifier for the user who posted the tweet.


    The actual text of the tweet.


    The name of the twitter handle that posted the tweet.


    The language of the tweet.


    The location from where the tweet was posted.


    The place the tweet is associated with. This place is not necessarily the place from where the tweet was posted.


    The device used to post the tweet.


    This field represents whether the tweet is a retweet or not. Possible values are True and False.


    In the case of a retweet, this field represents the number of times the tweet has been retweeted.


    If the represented tweet is a reply, this field represents the original Tweet's author ID.


    If the represented tweet is a reply, this field represents the integer representation of the original Tweet's ID.


    The date and time of the tweet.

  12. Click Create after successful verification.

    The Twitter dataset is created in Rubiscape and is available for use in your workbooks and workflows.

    • To obtain the API KeyAPI SecretAccess Token, and Access Secret, you need to create a Twitter Developer Account.
    • Enabling the "Disable Cache" option allows you to create a dataset without generating a dataset cache.
    • When you select to "Disable Cache", the dashboard will not offer the "Enable Direct Query" option. For more information, please refer to the "Enable Direct Query" document

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