Uses of Widgets/Charts

Uses of Widgets/Charts

Charts are used to represent data graphically and effectively leverage the information hidden in it. Charts help comprehend huge amounts of data and the correlation between the different elements present in the data.
The table given below shows the uses of different types of widgets/charts available in RubiSight.




Column Chart

  • To compare a single category of data with respect to a certain variable.
  • Example: Change in GDP with time.
  • Can be used to represent both numerical as well as categorical data.

Pie Chart

  • To determine the composition of a variable in categorical data.
  • Example: To determine the constitution of air in the atmosphere.
  • To compare various categories within a single set of data
  • Example: To compare various areas of growth within a business.
  • Recommended to use when you have only one set of data with different features.

Area Chart

  • Similar to and roughly based on Line Charts
  • To display quantitative data.
  • To compare two or more quantities in numerical data.
  • To depict a time-series relationship.
  • Example: Variation in revenue from sales during each quarter in a financial year

Line Chart

  • Represent continuous variable.
  • To display the variation in a particular variable over a given time duration.
  • Example: Variation in the stock market index during one trading day.

Treemap Chart

  • To represent hierarchical data in a tree-like structure in the form of nested rectangles.
  • The varying size and color of rectangles are proportional to the data values represented by them.
  • Example: The representation of the population of countries in the European Union.

Donut Chart

  • Variation of the Pie Chart
  • To represent a part-to-whole relationship between various components of a variable.
  • Example: The representation of expenditure by government on various liabilities.

Word Cloud Chart

  • Also called the Tag Cloud or Weighted Data Chart.
  • To represent textual data visually.
  • The size of each word represents its frequency or the magnitude of the variable associated with it.
  • Example: The representation of various US cities based on the average sales of cars in the financial year.

Bar Chart

  • Similar to Column Chart but plotted horizontally.
  • To represent categorical data.
  • Rectangular bars of heights and lengths proportional to the values they represent.
  • Example: Gold medal tally of various nations in Olympic games.


  • To show the distribution of measure values.
  • To identify data issues, including outliers.
  • To determine the center, spread, skewness, and multiple models in a dataset.
  • To determine the relative frequency of occurrence of an event.
  • Quantitative data is plotted with data range grouped into bins or intervals. Each column indicates a bin.
  • The characteristic of a bin is its area and not its height.
  • Example: The representation of time spent by customers in various departments in a departmental store.

Pareto Chart

  • To highlight the most important factor among the given set of factors
  • One of the basic tools in quality control
  • Bars in descending order represent individual values of the variable, while the exponential curve indicates the cumulative total.
  • Example: The representation of most common sources of consumer complaints related to a product or service given by a company

Sankey Chart

  • To represent the flow of variables from one set of values to another.
  • To draw many-to-many mapping between two domains.
  • Example: The representation of the student flow from Asian countries to US universities for various majors.

Box Plot Chart

  • To depict the groups of numerical data through their quartiles.
  • To represent how values in a dataset are spread out.
  • Provides a graphical summary of the distribution of a sample.
  • Whiskers on the two sides of the box represent the variability outside the quartile range and the presence of outliers.
  • Example: The representation of the stocks/shares held by different organizations.

Stacked Column Chart

  • Variation of the column chart
  • To represent part-to-whole comparisons of various sub-segments over time or across various categories.
  • To determine which sub-total contributes the most to the overall score.
  • The column heights are compared to determine the relative frequency of occurrence or relative value of the variable.
  • Example: The representation of the types of web-series (thrillers, sci-fi, detective, and so on) watched by people, out of the total viewership, during the lockdown period.

Stacked Bar Chart

  • Similar to a Stacked Column Chart and a variation of Bar Chart.
  • The variables are represented as horizontal bars instead of vertical columns.
  • Example: The representation of the revenue generated by various departments like fashion, accessories, electronics, and so on in various supermarkets in a city.

Stacked Area Chart

  • Similar to the Area Chart.
  • To represent the evolution of the values of various groups.
  • To determine the significance of each group and the evolution of the values of the numerical variable.
  • Example: The representation of the revenue generated due to sales of various sub-categories of products in a superstore during a financial year.

Bubble Chart

  • Variation of the Scatter Plot Chart.
  • To represent data with three dimensions – x, y, and value (amplitude) of data.
  • The size of the bubble (that is, its radius) is proportional to the amplitude of data.
  • Example: The representation of the amount of rainfall in various regions of the country during a given period.


  • To create a new table out of a given dataset with the selected variables.
  • To highlight that part of the dataset that is used for analysis.

Cross Table

  • To create a new table out of a given dataset with the selection of rows and columns and the value to be displayed.
  • To highlight the correlation between variables that are not represented in the original dataset.
  • When there is more than one header row/column then the header row and column are frozen. In case of Single header row/column, header column/row is not frozen.

Text Chart

To create a chart using simple text.

HTML Chart

To render custom charts according to HTML code provided by the user.


  • To add an image to an existing dashboard.
  • Can be browsed directly from the dashboard or using the provided URL.


  • To create a card with a single value related to a single variable.
  • To display any important figure related to the given dataset.

Scatter Plot Chart

  • To observe the relationship between two numerical variables.
  • The location of each dot represents the corresponding value of that data point with respect to the horizontal and vertical axes.
  • Example: The representation of the sale of raincoats in a city according to the amount of rainfall during a year.

Waterfall Chart

  • To observe the gradual transition in the value of a variable subjected to an increment or decrement.
  • Either the first or the last column indicates the total value of that variable.
  • Example: The representation of segregation of the total revenue generated from various home appliances in a shop among the sub-categories of appliances.

Sunburst Chart

  • An extension of the Pie Chart.
  • To visualize hierarchical data structures.
  • Each concentric ring in the outer direction represents a deeper hierarchy in the distribution of data.
  • The angle of each segment is proportional to the value of the variable or is divided equally among its parent node.
  • Example: The representation of exports of various machine parts, from a company to various countries.

Solid Gauge Chart

  • To represent a variable with a filled arc, where it's color and length change with the value of that variable.
  • Example: The representation of the customer satisfaction score relating to a product/service.

Map Chart

  • To represent data values on the map of the world, a country, or a region.
  • The variation in the color of each portion of the map indicates the values corresponding to the variable selected.
  • In case the auto-detect mechanism does not work, you can select the required value in the Region option of the formatter section.



Combination Chart

  • Combination of the features of a Line Chart and a Bar Chart.
  • To represent categories of data in the form of lines and bars.
  • To validate the relationship between two related variables that have different magnitudes and different scales of measurement.
  • Example: The representation of revenue and profit by sale of a commodity in various states in India.

Sparkline Chart

  • To represent the variation in one variable with respect to another variable or a category.
  • Generally used when there are three variables to be represented on the chart.
  • If used with just two variables (column and value), a simple table like the chart is plotted without a sparkline.
  • To show data trends.
  • Example: The representation of the variation in average temperature in a city during months of the year.

Funnel Chart

  • In general, to represent how a starting 'whole' progressively breaks into individual 'parts.'
  • In business or sales context, to track how consumers drop out of the flow or process.
  • Example: The representation of the performance of a political party in an election with respect to total seats, prospects, wins, and losses.

Filter Widget

  • To filter out data for one dimension or one measure.
  • To show the minimum and maximum values and the range of values corresponding to a variable.
  • It helps represent filtering for interval (date) types of data as well.
  • You can save the existing filter conditions when applied through this widget.
  • Example: The representation of profit in the sales of a commodity.

Bullet Chart

  • Variation of the Bar Chart and resembles a thermometer.
  • To show a primary variable, compare it with a target variable, and indicate its performance.
  • It shows the minimum and maximum values for each dimension that describe the scale.
  • Example: The representation of the annual revenue of a company, compare it to the target revenue, and to indicate whether it is good, satisfactory, or bad.

Parameter Widget

  • To represent the data based on parameter values.
  • To control the defined parameters.
  • It adds the interactivity to the dashboards. 


  • It allows to create visualizations using python code.
  • It provides the GUI to interact with the data and code.


  • To use graphical element in dashboard.
  • Available shapes are line, arrow, rectangles, circles, triangle, or ellipses.



  • For huge data, with a large number of unique dimensions, the dimensions more than 50 are clubbed together as a single entity called "Others." For example, a Pie chart is plotted to represent the relative production percentage of 75 varieties of rice grown worldwide. Then, the quantities after the top 50 percentages are categorized as "Others". This functionality applies to charts like Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Sunburst Chart, Solid Gauge Chart, and so on.
  • In some cases, a 'Too many values to display' error icon is displayed on the chart when there are too many values.

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