Page Filter

Page Filter

The Page Filter option is always available on the filter pane of the Dashboard canvas. The page filters apply to all the charts plotted on a page of the Dashboard.

To apply a Page Filter, follow the steps given below.

  1. Create the number of charts as required. Refer to Creating Charts using Widgets.
    For example, here, we have created three charts on a page of the Dashboard canvas. All the charts contain the dimension Ethnicity in them. The three field values in the dimension are Caucasian, African American, and Asian.

  2. In the top filter pane of the Dashboard canvas, click Page Filters.

  3. From the list of data fields, click the data field you want to use as a filter.

    Here we are filtering by Ethnicity.

    The Ethnicity field is added.

  4. Click the added Ethnicity field and select the checkboxes corresponding to the data field values you want to filter.

  5. Click Apply.

    For example, for the charts above, we have selected Asian and Caucasian.

  6. The filter is applied to all three charts, and the charts are filtered according to the selected data field values.


  • You can apply Page Filters in Edit Mode as well as View Mode.

  • Page Filters applied on one page have no impact on the widgets plotted on other pages of the Dashboard.

  • If multiple filters are applied, the widgets respond to all filters accordingly. In case of contradictory filters, the widgets display the message No Data Found.

  • Plot multiple widgets on a dashboard page using two datasets that contain at least one common feature. If you apply a page filter selecting the common feature to alter the widget view, the filter is applied to all the widgets in which the selected feature is used.

Page Filter - Further Options

If you apply Page Filter to a Dashboard page and copy a widget on that page to a new page, the effect of the newly applied filter applied is different according to the following possibilities.

  1. If you apply a Page Filter on a new page and then copy a filtered widget to this page, new filters get applied to the widget (irrespective of the originally applied filters).

    For example, plot a Column Chart of Sales by Category on Page 1.
    Order Priority is selected as the Legend dimension. The four order priorities are Critical, High, Low, and Medium.

    Apply Page Filter by retaining Critical and High while removing L and M.
    The resultant filtered widget is shown below.

    Now, add Page 2. Select and apply a Page Filter to the same feature Order Priority. In the example, Low and Medium are selected, while Critical and High are removed.

    Next, navigate back to Page 1 and copy the widget to Page 2.

    You see that the widget contains the Page Filter selected for Page 2, and the original filters from Page 1 are discarded.

    Similarly, on the new page, we apply a filter by selecting only H and discarding C. The new widget contains data for H alone.

    If you copy a filtered widget to a new page, it gets copied along with the filters.
    For example, we copy the filtered Column Chart to a New Page. In this case, a new page is added, and the widget is copied.

    On the Page 4, you see that the widget contains the original Page Filter applied from Page 1.

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