Taking a Snapshot

Taking a Snapshot

rubiscape provides a facility to take snapshots of the workbook canvas. A snapshot is a backup of the configuration of the workbook at a given point in time which can be saved and restored later as required. It is used for version control, so you can roll back to any instance of your algorithm design.



  • Snapshots can be saved with or without the algorithm result.
  • Snapshot name is system generated. You can enter a description for your snapshot.
  • Snapshots are workbook specific. You can restore snapshots saved within the same workbook.

To take a snapshot, follow the steps given below.

  1. Create a new Workbook or Workflow. Refer to Creating a Workbook or Creating a Workflow.

    (info) Note

    Alternatively, open an existing Workbook or Workflow. Refer to Opening a Workbook or Opening a Workflow.

  2. Start building a new algorithm flow or edit the existing algorithm flow in the workbook as required.
  3. To make sure your changes are saved, click the Save icon () to save them.
  4. Click the ellipsis () located on the function pane.
  5. From the options displayed, click the Snapshot icon ().
    The Snapshot page is displayed.
  6. Click Create Snapshot.

    Create Snapshot page is displayed.
  7. Enter a Description for your snapshot.

    (info) Note

    To store the result of the algorithm along with your snapshot, select the Include Result check box. This check box is clear by default.

  8. Click Create Snapshot.
    The snapshot of your algorithm is saved. You can restore it later.

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